Thursday, 17 September 2015

Chatting with Clicky!

Year 3 Superstars learn Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship!

We have been learning all about Internet safety and being good digital citizens. First we tweeted a picture out to see how fast and wide it would spread. We had about 16 retweets in one week, some from the USA! 

We used the brilliant website to get some great safety advice. Here we met new friends, Clicky and his pals. 

Next we had our first ever twitter chat with Clicky from! 


We have been learning from the amazing Clicky and his friends how to UYN

Here are some of the important questions we wanted to ask Clicky. 

1) What is it important to remember on the Internet?

2) How do you keep your passwords safe?
3) Can you tell your friends your password?
4) Is it okay to use your name online?
5) How can things spread so quickly and so far on the net?

Here we are starting our first ever twitter chat!

Perhaps this was the most important thing we learned from Clicky. 

"The most important thing to remember on the net is to always tell a trusted adult if you feel scared or confused" #ClickyChat

Finally we also asked about Clicky's dog Router as he has just had his birthday!

Check out the answers to all our questions and more here

We loved our #ClickyChat and want to say a big thank you to Clicky for all his hard work helping children everywhere. 

Monday, 14 September 2015

Welcome to the new Year 3 Superstars! 2015-16

A big welcome to everyone who will shortly be starting Year 3. We look forward to all of us working together to learn lots of exciting new things in the year ahead. 

Our class blog will be a big part of our work in year 3. Our very first blogging activity starts over the summer and aims to encourage everyone to continue their love of reading. Research shows if children read for enjoyment they do significantly better in school. It is called the Summer Share Reading Globally challenge. Find the post below to see how to join in.

Send in a photograph
We have a photo page so that children or family members can send in interesting pictures (not of the children) with some writing explaining the photograph. This really gets everyone excited and gives us real reasons to write.

How to comment
We love comments! Here's how to do it.
1) Find and watch the, How To Leave A Quality Comment video.
2) Find an interesting post and click on the word comments at the bottom of it to get started.
(Editing our work is a vital skill and please could parents encourage and help children to make sure any work sent to the blog is checked carefully for spelling, grammar and punctuation.)

Please follow our class on twitter at @Y3_Stmarys

Finally, have a look round our blog to see the kinds of things this years, 'Superstars' have been doing and what to expect next year.

from Mr W and Mrs B.

Tuesday, 21 July 2015

MOSI Trip Books


Saturday, 20 June 2015

Share your Reading Globally!

I know we love reading! Now we can share our summer reading with the world! 

Click here and tell us about your book. It is a googledoc so you don't need to save. Don't forget to have a look what our partner classes are reading!

Make a new book discovery today! 

Enjoy Y3 Superstars!

from Mr W

You should see this at the top of the document when you click here

Saturday, 23 May 2015

What Fiction is in your fridge?

For a bit of half term fun Year 3 will be having a, 'What fiction (or non-fiction) is in your Fridge?' challenge on our class twitter account. All you have to do is to tweet a picture of a book you or your child are reading in or near your fridge. Use your imagination, have fun and make us laugh! I will re-tweet the pictures. Please make sure you include @Y3_Stmarys and the hashtag #funfictioninyourfridge

Good Luck!

P.S. Here's what is in my fridge at the moment!

Friday, 22 May 2015

Adventure Story Sentences

Can you write some fantastic, exciting sentences that we can share and use in our adventure stories? Go on have a go! Double click anywhere on the green area below.

Friday, 15 May 2015

Our Year 3 Blog Partners

We will be checking on their blog posts and adding helpful comments.

Saturday, 9 May 2015

Mystery Skype

On May 1st Year 3 had their first ever mystery Skype! Read about the excitement below! Don't forget to leave us a comment. 

Today, we had our first ever mystery skype! A mystery skype is where two classes (perhaps in different countries) get together. They ask questions to work out where they are in the world.

What happened
Firstly, the greeters greeted the other class before starting. Everyone was really exited about meeting the other class. Not long after, the questioners asked there first question "What continent are you on?"
They replied with North America. Meanwhile, we were busy working, on the back channel (Maddie, Ishaq and Antonnee) were on TodaysMeet typing down what we did. We were asking lots until... we found them in New Mexico! The clue that gave them away was a famous landmark near by "White Sands monument. " After that, we had to find what city they were in!

What were some of the facts
A new fact we learnt was in there State they tested the first two nukes. In there class they wear badges like teachers in our school. They also don't have to wear school uniforms. Here is another exiting fact they hold a record of growing the most Chilli peppers in the world!

What I liked about it
They had been kind, helpful and polite and they were having lots of fun. I liked how they all took part and were not being left out. My favourite thing was when we found out where they were.

What I learnt 
I learned that in New Mexico they have an American accent. I also learnt that year five in New Mexico means grade four.

I hope we can do another skype soon with another class!

By Heather 

Everyone in position!

Today we had our first ever mystery skype! A mystery skype is where two classes skype each other and they ask each other qeshoins to try and find out where they are.

We all had jobs during the Skype, for example, runners who run about and pass things on. I was a runner! There were also question keepers they keep the questions and say if we have already said that question. There are mappers who cross off where they could not be and there were lots of other jobs.

We asked questions like, what famous land mark are you on and what state do you live in? They asked us questions like that as well. 

I liked that they were polite and kind to us. I found out a lot of new things. I saw they wore badges. We were not sure if they had to were them every day or just for the mystery skype. 
I would like to skype them again.
by Caelyn

We have some states crossed off!

Today, we had our first ever mystery skype! A mystery skype is where two classes skype each other and ask questions to find out where they are in the world.

What happened
Firstly, the greeters (Caelyn and Thomas) greeted them politely and wished them the best of luck. Next, we asked them a question that was "What continent are you on?"
The questioners (from the other class) said "were on North America."
Then, we and the mystery skypers kept on asking each other questions to find out where they were. A question that they asked us was, "Are you on the west side of Nottingham?"
We struggled with this question but we did find out the answer. "We are on the west side of Nottingham," the questioners (in our class) replied.
After a while, we found out they're in ... New Mexico!
After a few more questions they found out where we were. We're in the United Kingdom of course!

What were some of the facts
One of the most interesting facts was that they told us part of the Transformers film was filmed in one of the their famous parks. One of the other amazing facts
was that they hold one of the largest hot air balloon festivals in the world!

What I liked about it
I liked how they were being polite, kind and honest. I also liked how they were working together and not leaving each other out.

What I learnt
I learnt that in New Mexico they speak with American accent and wear badges for school. I also learnt that year five in New Mexico means grade four.

We hope we can do another skype with you again soon.

By Erin

Our Mystery class

Today we had are first ever mystery Skype! A mystery Skype is where 2 classes Skype each other and ask questions where each other is. 

What happened 

First, the greeters started us off then it started. Next, the work began everybody went to work. Then we got them just before they got us. Finally, we told us about each others area. 

Our jobs

Our jobs are mappers, runners, questioners, clue keepers, back channalers, greeters and photographers. Everybody worked very hard. We improved our mapping skills, geography skills and listening skills.

Extra information 

We really enjoyed Skyping the school in New Mexico we learnt a lot of facts about New Mexico like they hold one of the worlds largest hot air balloon festival. We hope we could do another mystery Skype soon.

Our area 

We explained about our flag and the union jack. We also explained about our trams and that we have a lot of forests. 

by Lucas 

Using TodaysMeet to record what is happening as we go along.

Today we had our first ever mystery Skype! A mystery Skype is where two classes Skype each other and have to guess where each other are in the world.

What happened
We asked each other questions like, "What continent are you on?" The jobs were questions, mappers, question keepers, back channelers, clue keepers, runners, photographers and greeters. We got them first after just three guesses but they carried on trying to find out where we were. After a few more guesses they found out where we are. They were in Alamago!

What were some of the facts
One of the most interesting facts they told us that part of Transformers was filmed in one of their most famous parks! One of the other main fact was that they hold one of the world`s largest hot air balloon festival.

What I liked about it
I liked that the New Mexico children were being very kind and polite while talking to us. I also liked that we all worked as a team and all got along with each other.

What I learnt
I learnt that in New Mexico they speak in an American accent and that they where badges to get around school.

What we could do better next time
Next time we could be a little bit quieter when the other children are speaking.

Grace W

Our sign to put up to the screen when we were thinking

Our First Mystery Skype
Today, we done our first mystery Skype! A mystery Skype is where two country's Skype each other and ask questions to find out where about they are in the world each other is.

What Happened
Firstly, we greeted the other class and wished them good luck. After that everyone started doing their jobs the jobs were runners, back channlers (on Todaysmeet) and mappers. Next we asked some questions like "What continent are you on?" The mystery class were in North America. Then we asked " What famous landmark are you near?" They replied "White Sands." Then we found them they are in...New Mexico! After that they guessed where we are. We're in the United Kingdom of course.

What were some facts
One of the facts was they hold a record of growing the most chilli peppers in the world! Another fact was their state tested the first two nuclear bombs.

What I liked about it
I liked that they were polite, kind and honest. I hope we do another mystery Skype!

By Louie 

What happened
As we started most of us were nervous as the greeters said hello, then the Skype began! One of our questions was what famous landmark are you near? And they said white sands and we searched and Luke found out that they were in New Mexico in Alamogordo! And they got us after we got them and it was really intense.

What I liked about it
It was fun and entertaining and I loved looking through the maps and I liked doing the logical reasoners and also had a lot of fun with Ashley because we were the only two on that table.

What I learned
I found out that they lived pretty much near this stuff I have never heard of before and they lived near the, White Sands Monument!

What we could do better next time
We should try to keep the noise down and listen to the questioners when they want to ask questions. 

By Luke 

Today we had our first mystery Skype! A mystery Skype is where two classes get together to guess where each other are.

What happened
First, we picked two greeters, Thomas and Caelyn were the greeters who welcomed the mystery class. Next, Grace W and Heather who were the questioners asked the questions. The back channelers thought of the questions then the runners Joseph and Louie came over and took the questions and told Grace W and Heather. The first question that we asked was what continent are you on? The answer to that was North America. After we asked all the questions we found out where they were it was in New Mexico. The photographers were Jayden and Megan who took the photos of what we did.

What were some of the facts
One of the most of interesting facts was that part of Tranformers was filmed there on one of the most famous parks.

What I liked about it 
I liked how they were very well mannered and well behaved.

By Thomas 

On Friday May 1st we did a mystery skype . We had Grace W and Heather asking questions to the graed 4 class in the mystery school.
In our class room we had mappers, runners, clue keepers, photoghraphers, greeters and question keepers.This is one of us thinking. 
He is one of the mappers.

We enjoyed skyping a diffrent school in another country.

by Ishaq

Today, we had our first ever mystery Skype! We all had jobs like runners, greeters, clue keepers and mappers. A mystery Skype is where two classes find out where each others school is. We found out the mystery class were in New Mexico, the continent was North America.

I liked it because we found out new stuff For example the road runner was a type of bird in North America. We found out their school was in Alamogordo. 
We can do better at being quiet when the girls put their hands up.
By Jason 

Today, we had our first mystery skype ever! A mystery skype is where two classes skype each other and ask questions to guess where each other is.

Jobs we did 
clue keepers
question keepers
back channel group

First the greeters greeted the mystery skype class.Then we came up with some questions, for example what continent are you on? So then the clue keepers write North America as a clue.Then they asked us what continent are we on we replied Europe.Then we asked what famous landmark do you have near you? Mrs Chumard's class replied White Sands. Eventually we guessed it was New Mexico. We found some exiting and unusual facts they were really interesting.

What we liked
I liked about the facts like they said that their state grows the most chillies in all their country.

What we could do better next time
What we could do better next time is to do another accent to trick the mystery skype class.

We're looking forward to do another mystery skype again!
by Zaina

What happened:
Everybody. has jobs, like runners, mappers, question keepers, greeters (Thomas and Caelyn), photographers. Luke was really thinking about the questions.

Some questions we asked were: What state are you in? What continent are you on? Are you west of the Mississippi River? Are you in north of America ? Are you in New Mexico ? (We asked each other questions) and used we are thinking signs. We found out they were in Alamogordo New Mexico! 

by Jordan

A big thank you to Mrs. Chanard and her fourth Graders in New Mexico. We really feel we now have some new friends! We look forward to working with you again soon.

Wednesday, 1 April 2015

Easter Work

A short video showing some of the things we have been making for Easter.

Wednesday, 25 March 2015

The Night Zookeeper

The Night Zookeeper- Starts Thursday 26th March

Our class had a great Skype visit from the Night Zookeeper. We created and wrote about our own amazing animals that could be in the zoo. 

Now we have the chance, for 1 week only, to explore the Night Zoo. The children will learn how to unlock challenges and be challenged to write!

It is an excellent, fun way of motivating young writers. Please make the most of this for the short time we have it available. 

I can't wait to read all the great stories that our class will be writing!

Enter The Night Zoo!

Friday, 20 March 2015

In class we have been working on a new kind of word problem.

Here is an example.

Tenni and Jason leave 15 comments on our blog. Tenni left 5 more comments than Jason.How many comments did Tenni leave?How many comments did Jason leave?

The answer is:

                    Tenni left 10 comments and Jason left 5 comments.

Write at least two of these new word problems for the class to solve. Make sure you include the answer!

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Write about this kitten. What is he/she looking at? What is the kittens story? Has the kitten had an amazing adventure? Has the kitten done something to make him/her a hero? Does the kitten have superpowers? 

photo credit: Scurred via photopin (license)

Story Extracts

Story extract written in response to a wonderful story prompt from 

Tim Rylands, Pie Corbett and David Mitchell

It is independent work by the children. Please, please comment on our work we love to hear what readers like and how we can improve our work! Thank you.

Esme and Marcus darted behind a bridge. Suddenly they heard a strange sound greet their ears. It sounded like ooohhh. It got closer and closer until a huge shadow towered over them. "Oh no!" gasped Marcus "this monster could squish us." Luckily they managed to run through the monsters legs. They ran and ran until they bumped into the guards guarding the gates. "Oh no!" cried Esme. Just at that second Marcus stood on a trap door that sent him flying down a slide, Esme followed. Suddenly they got launched out on the other side of the gate. "Yay we escaped," cried Esme and Marcus. 

"Lets go on another adventure tomorrow," exclaimed Esme.

Esme and Marcus arrived at a dark forest and they hid under a rock. Suddenly they heard a strange voice and it was coming closer, somehow they quickly escaped. Then they went back where they had stared. 

by Ishaq

Suddenly, Marcus and Esme slid down a gigantic waterfall into a beautiful land. In that land there were huge castles with tall red flags. But then out of the corner Esme's eye she saw a ginormous shadow towering over them! It was a monster! it had hair as long as a castle! At that moment Marcus thought of a plan. The plan was to run away from the monster which they did. It chased the pair but they they hide behind a large rock and the monster ran straight past them! Marcus and Esme had escaped from the beast.

By Grace

Esme and Marcus darted to the rocky mountins. As soon as they got there, it started to thunder, so they ran quickly towards a stripy tent. Suddenly there was a strange sound coming from the direction they were heading.
"It's a drogonbird!" shouted Marcus.
"I don't thinks a real creature." replied Esme.
"Yes it is. Look it's coming towards us!" exclaimed Marcus.
"Arrr!" they both screamed.
The dragonbird flew over there heads and tried to grab them. Luckily they ducked, so they were safe! When they arrived at the tents they ran into a red and black stripy tent. A few minutes later Esme opened the zip and looked to see if the dragonbird had flew away. Luckily it had. Esme told Marcus the dragon bird had flown away.
"Yay were safe!" exclaimed Marcus.
"I wonder want's going to happen tomorrow?" asked Esme. 

Esme and Marcus were terrified at the noises they were hearing, suddenly ginormous wings appeared. The noise was getting louder and louder as the creature was getting closer and closer. It was so scary that the pair felt like screaming as fast as they could they ran away but fell into a hole in the ground.

Finally they arrived home and went to bed after a long long day 

by Grace 

Marcus and Esme ended up in a village. Esme, heard a funny, noise. Marcus, heard it to it was two bodyguards. The pair quickly sprinted to a cave. It was, very dark so they got a lanten but they didn't know there was a huge scorpion in the cave and it tried to bite Esme. Luckily it missed by a second. Esme and Marcus got out of the cave. 

by Jordan 

Esme and Marcus had just arrived at a little cave. Marcus was a scardy cat so Esme went in the cave first. Inside Marcus heard a deep, strang souned and said "Whats that?" 
"proble nothing," said Esme . Then, they both heard it and it got louder and louder. Suddenly out of the corner of their eye they saw a witch. Then, the witch spotted them and they got chased . Quickly they sprinted away and just got away. Marcus said " that was a close one," "yer it was" said Eme. And they went back to their house for more adventures. 

by Lucas 

Esme and Marcus ended up in a village called Edward village. There was a massive castle in the distance and a creepy, dark forest so they went in. There was a massive eagle that snapped trees like sticks and had large wings. Esme and Marcus looked behind them and they saw the eagle . As quick as a flash they called a chopper but the eagle could fly. It snapped the chopper in two but they landed in water so they was safe. They saw a base in the ground and they was safe with supplies.

By Antonee 

Esme and Marcus went down the slippery, sliding waterfall and whoosh they were gone. Suddenly out of the corner of there eyes were some slimy, dishonest monsters! They ran and ran until they fond a big cave but what they didn't notice that was it was a dragon cave. The dragon soon woke up and was gone, he didn't even notice that the pair were in there! The monsters looked for them but couldn't find them. "phew" said Esme. Suddenly they saw a boat far into the distance and they waved for help. The boat took them to a new place and they were safe. Far in the distance  they noticed a village and they said to the driver of the boat "go to the village over there."  "okay" said the driver. "Will it be safe here" said Esme "of course it will" said Marcus "at least we are away from the monsters" said Marcus 

by Luke 

Esme and Marcus came to a new island with a suspicious castle on it. All of a sudden there were guards chasing them but they manage to get away from them. They hid behind a bush for a while and then they started to explore. In the castle were 100 guards! They ran and ran and the guards charged at them but they got away! In fear they found themselves in a workshop, they found weapons, bows and armour. They geared up to protect themselves and then they hurried out of the castle, and got on there boats. 

by Jason 

Suddenly Marcus and Esme arrived at a beautiful castle but there were guards stood at the gate.They couldn't get in but then a strange beast apeard so the guards killed the deadly beast and the beast fell right down to the ground with abig BANG! The guards threw Marcus and Esme in the dungen because they lead the beast to the castle. 

by Thomas 

Marcus and Esme crashed down into a huge city then a dragon spiting fire came at them. Then the dragon chased them. Then Marcus the brave man said stop theres no where to run! Marcus and Esme were taken to prison. The next day a man broke them out of prison. Thank you,  thank you for saving me said Esme. 

 by Ashley

Esmie and Marcus arrived at fish land. A noise went ooooooooooh ooooooooh! Esmie did you hear that? Its probly just nothing oooooooh oooooh, they both looked at each other. Boo said a sea lion. Ha ha ha i knew i'd trick you. Oh know we must go know now said Esmie .Quickly they both ran away.

by Kelsey 

Esme and Marcus they landed in a dark place where the colourful tents are under a spooky bridge. Then Marcus herd a funny sound it was a ghost and it was chasing them so they ran as fast as they could then Esme and Marcus found a cave so they ran in it but they didn't know that was a dragons cave. The dragon woke up they saw Marcus the dragon was breathing fire out of his nose they where scared but they fell down a trapdoor. they where saved and they landed on some grass faraway from that place. 

by Maddie 

Suddenly, as quick as a flash Esme and Marcus turned up in a dark, deep forest. "WOW!" said Esme."Look how dark it is."
Just that second they started to see something out of there big, brown eyes. It came closer and closer. Then a thumping sound greeted there ears. About five minutes later, It appeared they where surrounded by an army of animals. "Quick lets run,"Esme and Marcus shouted. Freitend, terrerfried , afraid Esme and Marcus ran and ran! They made home but only just. The army of animals are still lurking somewhere, ohh no.

By Heather