Thursday, 17 September 2015

Chatting with Clicky!

Year 3 Superstars learn Internet Safety and Digital Citizenship!

We have been learning all about Internet safety and being good digital citizens. First we tweeted a picture out to see how fast and wide it would spread. We had about 16 retweets in one week, some from the USA! 

We used the brilliant website to get some great safety advice. Here we met new friends, Clicky and his pals. 

Next we had our first ever twitter chat with Clicky from! 


We have been learning from the amazing Clicky and his friends how to UYN

Here are some of the important questions we wanted to ask Clicky. 

1) What is it important to remember on the Internet?

2) How do you keep your passwords safe?
3) Can you tell your friends your password?
4) Is it okay to use your name online?
5) How can things spread so quickly and so far on the net?

Here we are starting our first ever twitter chat!

Perhaps this was the most important thing we learned from Clicky. 

"The most important thing to remember on the net is to always tell a trusted adult if you feel scared or confused" #ClickyChat

Finally we also asked about Clicky's dog Router as he has just had his birthday!

Check out the answers to all our questions and more here

We loved our #ClickyChat and want to say a big thank you to Clicky for all his hard work helping children everywhere. 

Monday, 14 September 2015

Welcome to the new Year 3 Superstars! 2015-16

A big welcome to everyone who will shortly be starting Year 3. We look forward to all of us working together to learn lots of exciting new things in the year ahead. 

Our class blog will be a big part of our work in year 3. Our very first blogging activity starts over the summer and aims to encourage everyone to continue their love of reading. Research shows if children read for enjoyment they do significantly better in school. It is called the Summer Share Reading Globally challenge. Find the post below to see how to join in.

Send in a photograph
We have a photo page so that children or family members can send in interesting pictures (not of the children) with some writing explaining the photograph. This really gets everyone excited and gives us real reasons to write.

How to comment
We love comments! Here's how to do it.
1) Find and watch the, How To Leave A Quality Comment video.
2) Find an interesting post and click on the word comments at the bottom of it to get started.
(Editing our work is a vital skill and please could parents encourage and help children to make sure any work sent to the blog is checked carefully for spelling, grammar and punctuation.)

Please follow our class on twitter at @Y3_Stmarys

Finally, have a look round our blog to see the kinds of things this years, 'Superstars' have been doing and what to expect next year.

from Mr W and Mrs B.