Friday, 26 September 2014

Cave Paintings

Stone Age Art
Year 3 have been investigating cave paintings as part of our work on the Stone Age. We found out the Stone Age people were skilled to be able to draw these pictures on uneven, dark cave walls.

We produced our own cave paintings using pastels. First we crumpled the paper to make it uneven like the cave walls. We have put the pictures together in our own cave in the school corridor.

We hope you enjoy looking at our pictures.


  1. Dear Mrs Kay,
    What a wonderful display of our cave painting that you have put up on the wall for us!
    Thank you for doing this for all of year 3.

  2. Dear Grace,
    I like your cave painting because it is bright and the picture is nice like mine.

    1. Dear Antonee I like your cave painting mate from Alfie and Calum.

    2. Thanks! Alfie and Calum.

    3. All of your artwork is great

  3. Dear Joseph,
    I really like your cave painting mate.

  4. Dear Mr W,
    We all had so much fun drawing and colouring, thank you.

  5. Dear Mrs Kay,
    I love the design of the cave paintings on the wall that you have done for us! Thank you.

    1. Dear Alicia,
      I like you beautiful artwork of your cave painting.
      WELL DONE !

  6. Dear Mr. W,
    Which cave painting is your favourite?

  7. Dear Thomas,
    My favourite cave painting was Luke's because he was very neat and he has worked very hard on it.

  8. Dear Erin,
    I really like your cave painting because you have done a really good job of doing it neat and you put lots of detail on your bull cave painting. You also used the right of dark colours on your bull too.

  9. Dear Zach
    You have an excellent cave painting

  10. Heather and Alicia17 October 2014 at 06:28

    Dear Peggy,
    I really liked your cave painting artwork, I enjoy looking at it, well done!
    Love from Heather and Alicia xx

  11. Dear Grace,
    I really like your cave painting because of all the detail that you have used to improve your drawing skills.
